RSON Logistics

  • Global Trading: RSON  manages a number of companies that make up the RSON Group’s logistic pillar, operating to strengthen the group’s pit-to power supply chain by keeping the costs and process of transporting coal from the loading port to the discharging port in check. RSON was established to support its sister companies by ensuring that their coal deliveries reach customers’ locations according to the agreed schedule, specifications and quality. After seven years of operations, RSON has secured a stronger foothold in the logistics sector, running an extensive range of activities from coal barging and ship loading, channel dredging and maintenance, stevedoring to dockyard.
  • As the logistics pillar for the RSON Group, RSON is one of the group’s vehicles for expanding non-coal mining businesses. As such, RSON continuously expands its business to offer a wider range of integrated logistics services and its clientele to generate bigger income by utilizing its scale of operations. Furthermore, RSON also continuously improves its organization for more effective and efficient operations.
  • Transportation of Coal & Other Minerals
  • Material Handling System